The Cops (1998) TV Series 1, 2 & 3 DVD 6 Disc Set


Set in and around Stanton, a faceless and grim Northern enclave, The Cops depicts the daily grind for a group of policemen and women out on the beat as they interact, and sometimes clash, with the local community.

From its lace-curtained semis to the altogether harsher environs of the brutal and drug-infested Skeetsmoor Estate, the town of Stanton sees a lot of crime, and not all of it is committed by the general public...

Like The Bill before it, the series used revolutionary hand-held camera techniques to attain a sense of authenticity, and police officers were featured in every scene. A brave departure from the style of earlier BBC police drama series, the show abandoned the cosy camaraderie in exchange for an unremittingly grim view of both officers and the community they serve, and this helped it to win widespread critical acclaim (including two BAFTA awards.

Supplied as a 6 DVD Set recorded from Satellite, the quality rating (compared to a retail dvd) is Video 9, Audio 9 (Very Good!)

Disc One

The Cops Season One - Episode 1 - Probationary policewoman Mel Draper, seriously hung-over and worse for wear following a night out with her mates, is called to investigate a suspicious death following complaints from a neighbour who notices a foul stench coming from the flat above.

The Cops Season One - Episode 2 - Giffen attempts to reason with a suicidal man on the roof of a department store. Danny, after rescuing a damsel in distress, finds himself engaging in a bizarre sex game, brought on by the excitement provoked by his policeman's uniform.

The Cops Season One - Episode 3 - Colin's attempts to stay out of trouble are thwarted when he reverses into a minibus taking a group of girls out on a hen night. Mel is taken aback when she meets her mates queuing up to go into a club and who are obviously uncomfortable about being seen with a policewoman. Mike and Natalie have a narrow escape when they come face to face with a man wielding a sawn-off shotgun.

The Cops Season One - Episode 4 - It's the day of Mike's stag night, and Mike, Natalie and Mel are all called to early morning domestics on the Skeetsmore Estate. Later, at his stag party, Mike gets increasingly drunk and morose and then realises that his feelings for Natalie run far deeper than merely professional...

Disc Two

The Cops Season One - Episode 5 - Natalie is called to a store selling baby goods where a heavily pregnant woman has been caught on camera stealing a pram. Meanwhile, Danny is called to investigate an alleged missing child. The child's father fears that his daughter is in danger after she is not returned by his ex-wife... a suspicion that is later confirmed...

The Cops Season One - Episode 6 - Mel and Jaz are in trouble. Mel has not performed particularly well during her probationary period, and Giffen is given the go-ahead to sack her if the need arises. Jaz attends a theft at a corner shop. He recognises the assailant and refuses to chase him down the street. The Asian shopkeeper is not happy and vows to file a complaint. Dean responds to a disturbance on the Skeetsmoor Estate and gets a serious beating. Despite four radio calls for help, no-one goes to his assistance…

The Cops Season One - Episode 7 - Responding to a reported burglary, Mel and Jaz are met by the young man who lives at the address who assures them that it is a false alarm. Called back to the same property, they later meet the lady who actually owns the house and who insists that she lives alone. Natalie gets the opportunity to settle an old score... with tragic consequences...
The Cops Season One - Episode 8 - Tensions are running high on the Skeetsmoor Estate. Rumour has it that Skillet was beaten up in custody before he died. Colin is worried that Dean is out of control as he can't resist having a go at mourners as they leave Skillet's funeral. Danny attends the funeral to offer his condolences to the family. Things turn ugly as the storm which has been brewing all day eventually breaks…

Disc Three

The Cops Season Two - Episode 1 - It's early morning, and Mel hasn't even left for work yet. Finding slimy DS Wakefield at the door of her new flat, with flatmate Rosie in tow, is not a great start to the day. Relocated to a rural nick out at Shepley, Wakefield has arrested Rosie for possession with intent to supply. Wakefield searches Mel's bedroom, and is delighted to find a small amount of dope. He leaves without making it clear what he'll do, leaving Mel facing possible dismissal from the Force.

The Cops Season Two - Episode 2 - Dean Wishaw's behaviour has been increasingly belligerent, so Giffen places him under Roy's wing - 'puppy walker to Scoobie Doo'.  

The Cops Season Two - Episode 3 - Danny Rylands, who's been off work since his beating at the Skillet wake, is interviewed by a psychiatrist. He must convince her that he's ready to return to work, but his feigned nonchalance makes him seem obstructive.

The Cops Season Two - Episode 4 - Sergeant Giffin is frustrated: he wants to take direct action against the drug dealers up at the Skeetsmoor, but Newlands is playing the waiting game. Giffin grabs his chance when thirteen year old Debbie Sharpe finally ODs.

The Cops Season Two - Episode 5 - It's the day of Debbie Sharpe's funeral, and the Skeetmoor has turned out en masse. Mel attends to monitor the mood as she tries to balance her professional duties with her growing sympathies for the women. And that's not the only complication: she's started sleeping with Darrell Stone.

Disc Four

The Cops Season Two - Episode 6 - Mel's is accused of 'going native' - it's isolating her from the rest of the scale. In the locker room Mike warns her 'It's just a job at the end of the day - don't get so involved.' She's sent to deal with the neighbours from Hell, but as with most such disputes there's little she can do beyond warning the rowdy Walsh family against whom the complaint has been made.

The Cops Season Two - Episode 7 - Mike wants to start the shift with a bacon butty at the local caff with some of the scale. Kennett has other ideas: she's got work to do. Pissed off with her abrasive and officious manner the lads play a practical joke: they leave her cuffed to a railing while they enjoy their sarnies. Only when Kennett is accosted by two men do they put her out of her misery and release her. Kennett doesn't see the funny side at all.

The Cops Season Two - Episode 8  - HQ sends two investigating officers to look into Kennett's allegation against Giffin. The scale fears that the handcuff prank will come to light, especially Natalie who is acting sergeant during Giffin's suspension. This could end her chances of promotion. Mike is also tense and dents a squad car. Nat sends him to work in custody where he spends the day clearing up diarrhoea.

The Cops Season Two - Episode 9 - Mel and Darrell - in bed together - are disturbed by a kid at the door. There's trouble up at the Reynolds's house. Both Mel and Darrell rush up there, to discover Gina Barry (who Mel knows from the women's group), and Maureen Skillet, spray painting Reynolds's house. They're furious because they've heard Reynolds has got off. As a squad car pulls up Mel makes a run for it. But she's concerned as to where this disinformation has come from.

The Cops Season Two - Episode 10 - While investigating the assault on Karim, Jaz finds out disturbing details about another police officer. He might be harassing Karim and his brother. Natalie is able to pass her Sergent exam while Ellen is rushed into the hospital. Away from all that, Roy is attacked for revenge.

Disc Five

The Cops Season Three - Episode 1 - Sgt Metcalf wakes up in a potentially embarrassing position following a party to celebrate her promotion, while PC Bramell has gone without sleep with his wife critical in hospital and his career in tatters. PC Wishaw finally comes face to face with the harsh reality of his aggressive attitude to his job, and disillusioned WPC Draper has to decide whether to return to face the consequences of her sudden dash to Ibiza. New recruits to the team are eager young probationer Karen and cynical ex-footballer John, who has a tough time coming to terms with the unconventional approach to police work in Stanton.

The Cops Season Three - Episode 2 - PC Wishaw and his brother, Colin, are the victims of an unprovoked attack. PC Bramell is called in to try and find the perpetrators. Sgt Metcalf is anxious to find a pregnant fifteen-year-old runaway. PC Martin is concerned about the nature if the relationship between a foster carer and one of his charges.

The Cops Season Three - Episode 3 - Sgt Draper and PC Bramell are called to an incident at the home of notorious local drug dealers. Sgt Giffen deals with an unusual burglary.

Disc Six

The Cops Season Three - Episode 4 - Sgt Giffen and Insp Wakefield continue their investigation into a notorious drug dealing family

The Cops Season Three - Episode 5 - PC Bramell struggles to cope with the death of his wife. He has to assist in the eviction of the sister of her first husband.

The Cops Season Three - Episode 6 - Sgt Metcalf deals with the disturbed teenager arrested the day before. PC Bramell gets embroiled in a domestic but things are not how they appear.

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