The Knock (1994) Complete Series 3 & 4 DVD


Inspired by documentary series The Duty Men, The Knock follows Her Majesty's Customs and Excise officers' lives and their efforts to hunt down the criminals trying to smuggle all sorts of contraband to the UK.

Stars Caroline Lee-Johnson as Diane Ralston, Steve Toussaint as Barry Christie, Enzo Squillino Jr as George Andreotti, Marston Bloom as Arnie Rheinhardt and Malcolm Storry as Bill Adams.

Supplied as a 4 Disc Set, Recorded from VHS, the quality rating (compared to a retail DVD) is Video 7, Audio 7 (Good!)


The Knock Season 3 Episode 1
When a diabetic security guard is taken ill, it emerges that the medication he has been taking is counterfeit. Although numerous pharmacies have been caught distributing fake drugs, the Medicines Control Agency informs Bill that there is too little evidence to prosecute. Meanwhile, children in numerous African countries are being treated with unsteralized needles and Customs and Excise are interested in some unconventional routes being used to ship medical supplies in and out of the UK.

The Knock Season 3 Episode 2
In an effort to prevent the export of more counterfeit medicine in to the UK, Barry and Diane team up to travel to West Africa. When they visit a hospital for refugees, they see first hand how damaging imitation drugs can be. When Badcott suddenly changes his modus operandi they suspect an African Customs Officer may be tipping him off; however, proving it is more problematic than they imagined. The Blakes are strapped for cash and are prepared to go to extreme measures to improve their situation.

The Knock Season 3 Episode 3
Artisan Donald Dewhurst makes plates for counterfeiting money. When one of them is siezed by Customs and Excise at Heathrow, he is less than happy. Dewhurst feels that he is safe in Marocco, but Andreotti and Arnie are sent to locate him. Meanwhile, some ex East German police attempt to persuade smuggler John Danson to join forces. Lynn Hickson is recruited to Bill's team.

The Knock Season 3 Episode 4
Danson tries to protect his son by burying Noveski's body. When a shipment of Danson's arrives, Jake has difficulty keeping track of it. In Marocco, Arnie and Andreotti continue to find locating Dewhurst problematic. However, they have a surprise telephone call from Dewhurst's accomplice Micky Comino, asking for help.


The Knock Season 3 Episode 5
Eddie Davies looks after Tim Danson while John is away on business. As Danson is overseeing a consignment of tobacco in Suffolk, an attempt is made on his life. Tim's mother becomes concerned for his welfare and contacts the police. Dewhurst and Anna are tracked down in Casablanca by Leakey and the East German gang.

The Knock Season 3 Episode 6
Danson is livid when he learns that his son has been kidnapped by the East German gang. He's determined to get his son back and get revenge. Dewhurst and Ransley arrive in London and are trailed to their hotel. Leakey also arrives in London and is covertly followed.

The Knock Season 3 Episode 7
The team investigates a teenager they believe is guilty of importing Ecstasy. Alex becomes a little too involved with a case involving top of the range cars being stolen for export.

DVD Three

The Knock Season 4 Episode 1
A South African terrorist group is looking for supplies of plutonium dioxide and international businessman Greg Taylor is happy to act as intermediary between them and the Russian suppliers. Requesting payment in cocaine and money, Greg needs Frankie Johnson to distribute the drugs around London. Meanwhile, James Wilton has imported an illegal gun but Customs and Excise have trouble tracking him down. Andreotti has difficulty convincing Ancrom, the new boss at City and South, that his case involving the illegal sale of fuel is worth continuing.

The Knock Season 4 Episode 2
The South African terrorists are desperate to track down the currier of the plutonium dioxide and put pressure on Taylor to solve their problems. Taylor looks to Johnson for support but City and South are busy watching, and listening, to their every move. Meanwhile, Taylor experiences a few problems with his Russian suppliers. Andreotti gets closer to locating the supplier of the illegal fuel but his antics put an informer's life at risk.

The Knock Season 4 Episode 3
Following their surveillance operation on the bomb making plant in South Africa, the team knocks it; however, they do not find what they are looking for. Taylor becomes nervous when he believes Customs is on to him and things become increasingly difficult when his suppliers, supporters and business associates lose confidence in him. Barry is relegated to desk duty and is eager to prove he is a valuable member of the team.

DVD Four

The Knock Season 4 Episode 4
When Toni Maxwell, the wife of an imprisoned major drug dealer, takes over his business empire she proves to be a formidable force to reckon with. Toni tells Hewson to travel to Thailand in an effort to expand her drug trafficking business; however, he is tailed by Alex. A consignment of sofas raises the suspicions of Ancrom's team. Meanwhile, Ancrom sends Barry undercover to infiltrate an Algerian gang of traffickers who are using luxury coaches to bring drugs in from the continent.

The Knock Season 4 Episode 5
Custom House investigates the importation of snakes en-route to a Chinese restaurant. Barry's undercover operation spirals out of control because the Algerians believe someone has betrayed them. The team at City and South attempt to remove Barry from the field but wheh they struggle to locate him, Diane goes to extreme lengths to ensure his safety. Hewson is eager to make his peace with Maxwell. Meanwhile, Alex makes a connection between the sofas, Thailand and Toni Maxwell.

The Knock Season 4 Episode 6
Diane's actions have dire consequences when she remains true to her word and refuses to give evidence against Toni Maxwell. Customs and Excise collect half a million pounds worth of cocaine left on a baggage carousel and are eager to track the owners. Meanwhile a corrupt baggage handler creates problems at Heathrow. City and South is convinced Jeremy Thompson, a regular visitor to the UK, is up to no good but they lack any evidence of a crime.


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