A Thing Called Love (2004) TV Series 2 DVD Set


Written by William Ivory, Paul Nicholls stars as Gary Scant, a painter and decorator from Nottingham, whose life seems perfect. He has good friends and a loving family, likes his job and is happy with his girlfriend, Mel. But a night out with his mates takes an unexpected turn. He gets druk, cheats on Mel and realises that she may not be 'the one' after all. Gary then decides to go on a mission to find his soul mate. Joining him on his quest is his close friend Paula, the only person who truly understands him.

Supplied as a 2 DVD set, recorded from satellite tv, compared to a retail DVD, the quality is around 8/10 (Very Good!)

Episodes are as follows;

A Thing Called Love DVD 1

A Thing Called Love Season 1, Episode 1: True Confessions

The gang have all gathered at the local ice rink to witness Robbie (Chris Gascoyne) popping the big question to Paula (Liz White). Shocked and thrilled Paula immediately says yes but her excitement is not shared by all. Mel (Kaye Wragg), Gary's (Paul Nicholls) long-term girlfriend is left wondering why despite being together for several years, Gary still hasn't proposed to her. The lads head off for a night on the town and after a few beers Robbie seems to put all thoughts of his recent engagement behind him. Kelvin (Ben Miles), Gary's best-friend and married father of two, is also keen, as usual, to check out the local talent. Shortly afterwards the lads decide to head home with a group of local girls. Gary is stunned when he realises their intentions and is left alone with Christine (Jessica Radcliffe). Gary has never been unfaithful to long-term girlfriend Mel. Despite having no intention to start now, Christine's honesty and frankness catches him off guard and he becomes caught up in the intensity of the moment and is unfaithful to Mel.

A Thing Called Love Season 1, Episode 2: God has a Black Heart

Paula's keen to help Gary get back on his feet after his break-up with Mel, so sets him up with old school friend Sonya. However, Gary cannot be swayed by the body beautiful, and resists the opportunity to jump into bed with Sonya. He's determined to stay celibate until he finds the girl of his dreams. But a night on the town, with Kelvin, shows him that finding a woman with similar aspirations could prove difficult.

A Thing Called Love Season 1, Episode 3: The Lost Child

It's the christening of Floyd and Chantelle's baby, and Gary, caught up in the moment, decides he'd like to be a parent. However, Paula's suggestion of them having a child together with a little help from a turkey baster isn't quite how he envisaged fathering his firstborn.

A Thing Called Love DVD 2

A Thing Called Love Season 1, Episode 4: Hooked on a Feeling

Paula has never felt anything but sisterly love for Gary; that is until she offers to give him a massage! As he stretches out on the floor, half naked, she realises that her feelings have changed. The realisation takes Paula by surprise and she tries to fathom out how to approach the subject with Gary. Meanwhile, the lads have noticed that Harold, the sports club manager, has had a distinct spring in his step of late.

A Thing Called Love Season 1, Episode 5: Turning Point

Whilst Paula is glowing in the early stages of her new found relationship with Tony, Gary's feeling very glum as he fears he's missed his chance with her. In a bid to cheer him up, Kelvin decides a night out on the town is in order and they head off to a local strip bar. However, having scantily clad girls gyrating in front of him is the last thing Gary needs, and he bails out leaving Kelvin to prop up the bar.

A Thing Called Love Season 1, Episode 6: Love Hurts

Kelvin and Gary's worlds are falling apart around them. Due to his recent exploits, Liz has thrown Kelvin out of their home. She refuses to let him see her or their two daughters. Kelvin's devastated and Gary tries to comfort him. Paula, meanwhile, discovers that Liz found Kelvin with another man.


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