Parents of the Band TV Series (Jimmy Nail) DVD


It's never easy being a teen. But being a teen with a wistful, worrisome, one-hit-wonder musician father who can't quite grow up and insists on wearing drainpipe jeans, well that's more than tough.

Add to that a mother who your friend fancies and a crush on an older girl who doesn't even know you exist and you've just about got the sum of Jack's life.

15 years old with the world at his feet, all Jack wants to do is jam with his band with no name alongside his mates Granville, Adi and Eddie.

Recorded from Digital TV, the quality of this set (compared to a retail DVD) is Video 9, Audio 9 (Very Good!).


Parents of the Band - Season 1 - Episode 1

Phil Palmer takes an interest in his son's band.

Parents of the Band - Season 1 - Episode 2

The band play at Adi's birthday party although this is providing that Adi gets to sing lead. The gig goes well until a group of hoodies turn up after seeing an invitation on the Internet.

Parents of the Band - Season 1 - Episode 3

Jack, Granville and Eddie are on work experience placements with each other's parents so that they can be observed. Phil is hoping for another date with Sandy.


Parents of the Band - Season 1 - Episode 4

Phil gets a royalty check for the hit he had in the Eighties. Jack is in love with a Danish girl.

Parents of the Band - Season 1 - Episode 5

Phil gets the band to play at his parents' golden wedding anniversary party, so the others are angry that he arranged a gig behind their backs. Phil's father refuses to enjoy himself. The lads go to a music shop looking for a guitar for Eddie.

Parents of the Band - Season 1 - Episode 6

Jack is disappointed when Lucy makes it clear she thinks the talent show is rubbish and she does not want to go. The band finally settles on a name.

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