Red Cap (2003) TV Series DVD Tamzin Outhwaite


The SIB is charged with one of the most sensitive and demanding military jobs: the investigation of serious crimes committed by or against members of the British Army.


And, as Jo (Tamzin Outhwaite) soon finds out, the SIB is very much a man's world.


Jo has a task proving her worth in the SIB, with her tough and cynical boss Sergeant Major Kenneth Burns (Douglas Hodge) and Staff Sergeant Philip Roper (James Thornton) seeming keen to reinforce the macho stereotype. At least understanding team player Sergeant Bruce Hornsby (Gordon Kennedy) cuts Jo some slack.


But these obstacles only make Jo's desire to impress and succeed more acute.


During the two series of Red Cap, Jo and the SIB team find themselves involved in the murky underworlds of drug and gun-related crime, murder and human trafficking, espionage and political cover-up, and terrorism.


Running alongside the crimes and the investigations are the continued tensions and power struggles within the SIB itself.

Recorded from satellite tv, the quality, compared to a retail dvd, is Video 8, Audio 8 (Very Good!).


Disc One (Series One)  

Episode 1 - H- Hour,

Episode 2 - Crush,

Episode 3 - Espirit de Corps


Disc Two (Series One)

Episode 4 - Cover Story,

Episode 5 -Cold War,

Episode 6 - Payback


Disc Three (Series Two)

Episode 1 - Betrayed,

Episode 2 - True Love,

Episode 3 - Red Light


Disc Four (Series Two)

Episode 4 - Fighting Fit,

Episode 5 - Friendly Fire,

Episode 6 - Long Time Dead

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