Thieves Like Us (2007) TV Series DVD


Petty thieves Bex and Ollie are content with being small time crooks, they shy away from any big jobs and abhor violence. Their girlfriends are in the dark about what how the boys make their living. This BBC series is based on the Danny King novel The Burglar Diaries .

Recorded from Satellite TV, the quality rating compared to a retail DVD is Video 9 Audio 9 (Very Good!).

Episode 1 - The Warehouse Job

Bex and Ollie have a warehouse burglary all set up for an eager client, but Bex's angry girlfriend Mel puts the entire enterprise in jeopardy.

Episode 2 - The Alarm Job
When Mel is kept awake by a neighbour's burglar alarm going off, she asks Bex to go over and fix the problem.

Episode 3 - The Teapot Job
When Bex and Ollie's fence is himself the victim of a burglary, he asks them to find the thieves and recover the valuable antique teapot that was stolen.

Episode 4 - The Jackets Job
Detective Haynes finally thinks he has enough evidence to arrest Bex and Ollie. Can they rely on a clever lawyer to get them free?

Episode 5 - The Footballer Job
When a bad-boy football star tosses Mel's young cousin's bicycle into the river, she asks Bex and Ollie to persuade him to make an apology.

Episode 6 - The Office Job
Bex and Ollie have interviews for real jobs, albeit in telemarketing, but Ollie's girlfriend Mel is suspicious of their motives, especially when she discovers that the police are looking for the pair.


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