Colins Sandwich (1988) TV Series DVD Complete Season 1 & 2


Created by Terry Kyan and Paul Smith. With Mel Smith, Louisa Rix, Tony Haase and Andrew Robertson.

Colin Watkins (Mel Smith) works for British Rail complaints department. He doesn't like his job much and has dreams of becoming a full-time writer.

He takes a step towards achieving his ambition when one of his short stories is accepted for publication in "The Langley Book of Horror".

Later, a famous film producer offers Colin the chance of adapting his short story for a film. Colin jumps at the chance and, after many mishaps en route, finally leaves his job at British Rail to embark on a writing career.

Complete Series 1 and 2 first aired 1988 and 1990.


Disc One (Series One)

Episode 1 - Flaunt It

Episode 2 - Time Out

Episode 3 - Enough

Episode 4 - Pussyfooting

Episode 5 - Back from Bengal

Episode 6 - Night On the Town


Disc Two (Series Two)

Episode 1 - A Bit Whiffy

Episode 2 - A Piece of Cake

Episode 3 - Zanzaibar

Episode 4 - Night Thoughts

Episode 5 - Frank

Episode 6 - Out to Lunch



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